Partial funding for construction/maintenance of this website was provided under a grant from FEMA's Grant Programs Directorate, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security. Points of view or opinions expressed on this website do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of FEMA's Grant Programs Directorate, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, or the Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security.

List of OKMaps Data Layers

Conservation District Offices
Hydrological Basins in Africa (Sample record, please remove!)
Localities in Victoria (VMADMIN.LOCALITY_POLYGON) - Comprehensive Elements
Geoscience Australia's Open Day Photographs 26th August 2007
National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) County Imagery
USGS High Resolution Orthoimage Oklahoma City, OK Urban Area
10M DEM Elevation Data
NAIP 2008 Statewide
NRCS 2m DEM First Return
NAIP 2010 Statewide
NAIP 2013 Statewide
NRCS LiDAR Coverage 2013
NRCS 2m DEM First Return Hillshade
HUC12 Watershed Bndy
HUC10 Watershed Bndy
NAIP 2015 Statewide
Seismicity Area of Interest
Area of Reduction (Cushing)
OF4-2015 Preliminary Oklahoma Optimal Fault Orientations
Fault Database (Industry contributions)
Fault Database (version 1)
Fault Database (version 2)
Carter County Parcels_WMS-ONLY
Conservation Districts
Area of Reduction (Central)
Area of Reduction (Western)
Seamless NRCS LIDAR All-Returns Raw Data
Seamless Craig-Nowata LIDAR All-Returns Raw Data
NRCS 2m DEM Bare Earth
NRCS 2M DEM Bare Earth Hillshade
Craig-Nowata DEM Bare Earth Hillshade
HUC8 Watershed Bndy
Tribal Headquarters
OK Public Schools 2014-2015
Tribal Jurisdictional Areas
Woodward Tornado 4-15-2012
Carter County Parcels
NRCS 2m DEM Bare Earth Contours
Oklahoma Bare Earth DEM
Oklahoma Bare Earth Contours
OK Historical Aerial Photos 1980-89 NGR
OK Historical Aerial Photos 1940-49 NGR
OK Historical Aerial Photos 1950-59 NGR
OK Historical Aerial Photos 1960-69 NGR
OK Historical Aerial Photos 1970-79 NGR
ESB Law Boundaries
ESB EMS Boundaries
DiscrepancyAgency Boundaries
ESB Fire Boundaries
PSAP Boundaries
ESZ Boundaries
USGS Oklahoma MRDS
NAIP 2021 NC Statewide
Department of Public Safety Low Band Towers
Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Towers
OneOK Towers
Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation Towers
OK Turnpike Authority Towers
Watershed Dams_NRCS
NRCS Dams-Principal Spillway Elevation
NRCS Dams-Effective Top of Dam Elevation
NRCS Dams-Emergency Spillway Elevation
NRCS Dams-Effective Top of Dam Elevation Plus 5 Feet
Current Watershed Dam Easements
Command Posts_GovInaug2023
Southern Hills Baptist Church Drone Photos
Stride Bank Center Drone Photos
Cowboy Hall Drone Photos
BOK Tulsa 2022 Aerial Imagery
ACOG Roads_GovInaug2023
Garfield Roads
Enid NAIP 2021 Aerial Imagery
ACOG 2020 N Aerial Imagery
ACOG 2020 S Aerial Imagery
BOK Center Drone Photos
Capitol Drone Photos
Live Hover Drone -- Cowboy Hall
Live Fixed Wing Drone
Live Hover Drone
AOI 2017 GeoProvinces
Oklahoma Corner Records Locations
Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP)
Address Points
Road Centerlines
Statewide Parcels-1/14/2025
Oklahoma Department of Transportation Towers
Department of Corrections Towers
OWRB Rivers
Rural Water Systems Boundaries
Oklahoma Lakes
USGS 24K Quadrangle Boundaries
Oklahoma Council of government Regions
Oklahoma Law Enforcement Locations
Oklahoma Correctional Institutions
Oklahoma Counties
OWRB Lakes
City Wards
State Senate Districts 2010
State House Districts 2010
Congressional Districts 2010
County Collector Roads
Statewide County_ODOT Road Network
Logan County Road Network
Logan County Title 69_No
Logan County Title 69_Yes
Logan County Title 11_Yes
Logan County Title 11_No
Physiographic Map of North and Central Eurasia (Sample record, please remove!)
5-Digit ZIP Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA5)
Cities and Towns
ODOT On System Bridges and Culverts
Public Schools 2007-2008
Municipal Boundaries
County Commissioner Districts 2010
OK-BLM Sections
OK Historical Aerial Photos 1930-39 NGR
USGS 100K Quadrangle Boundaries
DOQQ Boundaries
USGS 250K Quadrangle Boundaries
Fire Protection Districts
School Transportation Districts
Municipal Wards
School District Wards
School Districts with Tax Code
ODOT Roadways Division 2
ODOT Roadways Division 3
ODOT Roadways Division 4
ODOT Roadways Division 5
ODOT Roadways Division 6
ODOT Roadways Division 7
ODOT Roadways Division 8
ODOT Roadways Division 1
ODOT Off System Bridges and Culverts
Career Technology Districts
School Districts
OK-BLM QQSections and Lots
OK-BLM Townships
ACOG Road Dataset