Bare Earth LIDAR DEM Format Hillshade
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Bare Earth ESRI grid 2-meter cell size from NRCS LIDAR 2009,2010 DEM Format
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Bare Earth ESRI grid 2-meter cell size from NRCS LIDAR 2009,2010 DEM Format. Contours generated at different resolutions depending upon scale. At large scale, resolution is 2 feet.
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Bare Earth (second return) ESRI grid 2-meter cell size from NRCS LIDAR 2009,2010 DEM Format
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First return ESRI grid 2-meter cell size from NRCS LIDAR 2009,2010 DEM Format
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First return ESRI grid 2-meter cell size from NRCS LIDAR 2009,2010
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This shapefile shows the areas of acquisition and dates of acquisition of LiDAR data by the Natural Resource Conservation Service through 2013.
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The ISO19115 metadata standard is the preferred metadata standard to use. If unsure what templates to start with, use this one.
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Bare Earth DEM for Oklahoma as of August 1, 2016. Coverage is still lacking the panhandle, Oklahoma, Cleveland and Ottawa counties plus small areas along the Red River and in Ellis county. This cove
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Craig-Nowata LIDAR 2016 Raw Data from LAS Files, All returns.
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NRCS LIDAR 2009,2010 Raw Data from LAS Files, All returns.
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